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Право на результаты интеллектуальной деятельности, произведённые юнитом искусственного интеллекта: гражданско-правовые проблемы // Право и государство 2018. № 1-2 (78-79). С. 197-203.

Автор: Морхат П.М.

В статье на практических примерах разных стран рассмотрены вопросы правового регулирования искусственного интеллекта, технологические новинки в области искусственного интеллекта, а также анализ правового регулирования сферы искусственного интеллекта. Ключевые слова: искусственный интеллект, правовое регулирование, интернет-пространство, право интеллектуальной собственности, ресурс, прогресс, концепция, революция, авторское право, юнит.
Морхат П.М. Жасанды интеллект бірлігімен туындаған зияткерлік қызметтің нәтижелеріне құқық: азаматтық-құқықтық мәселелер. Мақалада әртүрлі елдердің тәжірибелік мысалдары негізінде жасанды интеллектті құқықтық реттеу, жасанды интеллект саласындағы технологиялық инновациялар, сондай-ақ жасанды интеллект саласын құқықтық реттеу мәселелері қарастырылады. Түйінді сөздер: жасанды интеллект, құқықтық реттеу, интернет кеңістігі, зияткерлік меншік құқығы, ресурс, прогресс, тұжырымдама, революция, авторлық құқық,бірлік.
Morkhat P.  The right for intellectual property produced by a unit of artificial intelligence: civil issues. Artificial intelligence is one of the most important technologies of this era, which can significantly change the world around us. Technological breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence have radically accelerated over the past two decades, fueled by advances in machine learning algorithms, exponential growth in data availability and improved and cheaper computing resources. The impressive technological progress of the last decade in particular led to the ability and ability of artificial intelligence units to “perform activities that were previously provided primarily and exclusively to humans” and also to develop “certain autonomous and cognitive characteristics - for example, the ability to learn from experience and take quasi -independent solutions. “ At present, artificial intelligence revolutionizes the way people live, work, study, discover new things and communicate, which puts them on the threshold of an era in which ever-increasing robots, bots, androids and other incarnations of artificial intelligence are about to evoke a new industrial revolution. Units of artificial intelligence are no longer engaged in “just grinding numbers”, but generate works of this kind that have traditionally been protected as “creative” or as something that requires human invention. The purpose of the work is to draw attention to the fact that new complex and very rapidly emerging and evolving challenges of the present, such as the transformation and complexity of heterogeneity and entropy of the Internet space, the intensive development of robotics, technologies and artificial intelligence units can not but affect the state and development legislation in various fields of public relations. One of these areas, which require close scientific attention, is the scope of intellectual property. Technology evolves better and evolves when enough data and time is available for analysis, as well as for trial and error. But the right already hopelessly lagged behind the development of science and technology in the field of artificial intelligence. It is necessary to reduce this gap. It is already impossible to ignore the development of the sphere in question. The article considers the international examples of some issues of legal regulation of artificial intelligence, technological innovations in the field of artificial intelligence. Moreover, the analysis of the legal regulation in the sphere of artificial intelligence is presented. Keywords: Artificial intelligence, legal regulation, Internet space, intellectual property right, resource, progress, concept, revolution, copyright, unit.
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